Out there Dreaming


Please interact with me.

Am eager to interact with others, as reserved and isolated as I am.
Do not hesitate to comment or reach out to me on whichever platform.

Am very open to ideas videos and/or of art, am open and eager to touch on specific things if someone has a specific question (be that on whatever like a symptom, some topic, a video game, whatever) that I might be able to offer my perspective, and/or experience with.
Am potentially open to doing collaborations.

Continue making gradual steps in the direction of creating new and different sorts of content, as well as coming up with different types of merchandise to have on my NarcoplexicArt Etsy shop.

Always trying to come up with different ways of using my photography, art and my delving into Narcolepsy.

Should I launch, a Patreon?

I actually set it up some years ago, but never proceeded forwards with actually launching it.
Think of it here and/or there, as it could be a proper place for me to exist and be able to provide both photography, some of my art, but best of all actual interactions offering up the expertise I’ve developed on living with chronic rare invisible disease, specifically Type 1 Narcolepsy and living with severe Cataplexy.

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