Out there Dreaming



DIS – RAISING AWARENESS Towards DISorders of Sleep – With a Deep-Dive-Focus on Type 1 Narcolepsy
(Released: ~ July 19, 2023)

Available on Amazon.

This book is visually powerful along with having deep breakdowns into Narcolepsy, the symptoms of Narcolepsy, specifically very much towards living with severe Cataplexy, and information into other sleep disorders as well.
It has been a long time coming, is based on years of living with 3 sleep disorders and having been immersed within the medical literature, the ongoing research that continues to come out, as well as the many years I’ve been interacting online anonymously with others who also have the disease Narcolepsy.
The intent is to offer actual insight and clarity, from a patient’s perspective, as well as to dive into depths that are rarely touched upon.
The audience I’d like to reach are Doctors in the field of Sleep Medicine, as well as patients already within and for those going into the realm of Sleep Medicine.
Am in the process of completing the editing, sending out some copies to get feedback and potential forward/s to include within the book.

A short video preview of some of the images within the book:

Expressions of My Own Narcolepsy with Cataplexy
(Oct. 2013)

The title is exactly what it is, my own expressions.
-Sketches/Illustrations along with many descriptions, going into my experience/s living, having Narcolepsy with Cataplexy.
-There is detailed, factual information on Narcolepsy with or without Cataplexy.
-Many of the points that I attempt to hit on, express, and convey within it, are very misunderstood; touching on each of the 4 tetrad symptoms, in detail, of Narcolepsy with or without Cataplexy…
-Gets into deep specifics on the difficulties, and certain unique occurrences, as well as thoughts of my own, all relating to the disease.

Rolling A Path ***this one is a bit tricky to read, my bad***
(Sep. 2014)

Each of us has a path, finding it and living it, takes seeking it along with fine-tuning and juggling it; be it day to day, or however works for each one’s own.

Narcolepsy with Cataplexy is a complicated and difficult disease to live with. So much is misunderstood and still to be learned. There are things being discovered more and more but the disease remains incurable.
Through my own descriptions I attempt to describe where the research is as well as, to an extent, what the current understanding is.

Speaking directly from my own Narcolepsy with Cataplexy experiences, I go into details of the different symptoms, and more.
After giving a lot of background into myself and my past health, I dive into Skateboarding. Describing why I love it and how it has helped me, in vast ways.

Tying in, how Skateboarding helped me to adjust to and not only accept Cataplexy, but to remain capable and able to continue Skateboarding.
Finally, I go into what Lifestyle Adjustments I’ve made. How I gradually had to find the path which worked, and/or is working, well for me. The hope is that others out there may find a piece and/or section within, that may help them upon their own path.

Invisibly-ill Living The Dis-understanding
(Sep. 2015)

This very short book is of poems that I wrote going deeply into the difficulty of living with an unrecognized, near to not recognizable, very real disease. For me, that disease, being Narcolepsy with Cataplexy is especially one, that many have near to no actual understanding of, and there’s a harsh consequences by or from people’s and society’s stereotypes. People will be people. The words in it all for all. Hopefully some will be able to appreciate the words and others may hopefully grow from them.

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