Out there Dreaming


Setting up website

Welcome and Thanks for coming through!

This site ‘Narcoplexic – Out there Dreaming‘ will develop in time.

Narcoplexic‘ is a combination of the terms Narcolepsy with Cataplexy, which is something that I live with, and deal with daily, day to day in different ways to different degrees.

Out there Dreaming‘ is to describe multiple things.
First off, where I want to be, and it represents enjoying what I am doing or the activity that I’m doing.
Secondly, it has to do with my stance and place, being not in the normal situation, circumstances and/or place, that others generally are in.
Thirdly, it is how I am, I have always existed in my own ‘out there extra dreamy’ sort of state.

Some blog, and/or maybe vlog, post/s are to come, and randomly.
I don’t really know yet? The first step is developing the site.

My intention is to put up photography, videos and art that I’ve either taken, or done in the past, along with what I may do going forwards.
Merchandise like some stickers of a few paintings I’ve done will be available.
Links to my self published books on Amazon will also be posted.
Prints of either, photography or art, will be arrange-able.

As someone with a difficult disease, one that others just have difficulty in both understanding and/or recognizing at all, whether they do and/or try to, it is tough; there’s so much that I can go into when it relates to the disease, or sleep, but I don’t really want it to be the focus of the site, as it doesn’t seem like people are that interested. I’d be happy if that were the case and willing to step up.
In all seriousness though, I want to advocate for the disease and broadening understanding, but I also have my own reasons which relate to the difficulties that are within the medical realm along with so much more that are, generally touchy, sensitive topics for a lot of people.
I’m thankful for every day while also grasping to get by and/or stay afloat as time goes on, on what is my own path, the journey has been a rollercoaster.

I’d like to offer some entertaining and/or pleasing content, while potentially also helping others out there whom are seeking the sort of help that I can offer through my expertise on living with such disease and condition/s.
Patreon is something I’ve been intending to set up and combine in some way, to do the above, it may develop in time.
There is always paypal.me/Narcoplexic too!

Dream On.

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