Out there Dreaming



The book is available in both hardcover and paperback versions.
Reduced the price from where it was upon release in late July, I may bump it back up at the end of the year.
Am hoping to get some forewords to include within, update into, the book.

This book is visually powerful along with having deep breakdowns into Narcolepsy, the symptoms of Narcolepsy, specifically very much towards living with severe Cataplexy, and information into other sleep disorders as well.
It has been a long time coming, is based on years of living with 3 sleep disorders and having been immersed within the medical literature, the ongoing research that continues to come out, as well as the many years I’ve been interacting online anonymously with others who also have the disease Narcolepsy.
The intent is to offer actual insight and clarity, from a patient’s perspective, as well as to dive into depths that are rarely touched upon.
The audience I’d like to reach are Doctors in the field of Sleep Medicine, as well as patients already within and for those going into the realm of Sleep Medicine.
If you want to read more, like about the process I went down creating and writing the book, look at the most recent post about the book on the website.

A short video preview of some of the images within the book: https://youtu.be/NHRC1qXP22U

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